Editor-in-Chief: Alaa Abd-Elsayed, MD, PhD

Pain Medicine Case Reports A peer reviewed publication  of The American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians and a Clinical Companion Journal to Pain Physician. The open access journal is published 8-10 times a year.

Pain Medicine Case Reports have been officially accepted for inclusion in MEDLINE and PubMed!

Pain Medicine Case Reports is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary, open access journal written by and directed to an audience of interventional pain physicians, clinicians and basic scientists with an interest in interventional pain management and pain medicine.

Pain Medicine Case Reports presents the latest studies, research, and information vital to those in the emerging specialty of interventional pain management – and critical to the people they serve.

Epidural Guidelines Facet Joint Guidelines IPM Guidelines Regenerative Medicine Guidelines OPIOID Guidelines PNS Guidelines Risk Stratification Guidelines Antithrombotic Guidelines Sedation Guidelines BMC Therapy Position Statement

Current issue highlights: (February 2025, Volume 9, Issue 1)

  1. Basivertebral Nerve Ablation in the Setting of Existing Fusion Hardware Case Report
    Case Report
    Rhett Layman, MD, Frankie Prologo , Mamerhi Okor, MD, Jesse Jones, MD, Meghana Muppuri, MBBS, and Junjian Huang, MD.
  2. Transient Dorsal Cord Syndrome After Splanchnic Neurolysis: A Case Report
    Case Report
    Haijun Zhang, MD, Tony Lo, DO, and Kent H. Nouri, MD.
  3. Epidural Hematoma After Parasagittal Interlaminar Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection: A Case Report
    Case Report
    Masoud Hashemi, MD, Sina Hassannasab, MD, Sogol Asgari, MD, and Narges Bazgir, MD.
  4. Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Rotator Cuff-Induced Chronic Shoulder Pain: A Literature Review
    Literature Review
    Shemar Crawford, MD, Mateusz Graca, MD, Robin Mata, DO, and Danielle Horn, MD.
  5. Temporary Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I in the Upper Extremity: A Case Report
    Case Report
    Newshaw Arvin, BS, Andrew Barker, MD, Blake Fechtel, MD, Matthew Cutrer, MD, and Yashar Eshraghi, MD.
  6. Externally Powered Peripheral Nerve Stimulation With a Separate Receiver at the Brachial Plexus Nerve for the Treatment of Pain due to Metastatic Invasion From Advanced Breast Cancer: A Case Report
    Case Report
    Alvise Martini, MD, Vittorio Schweiger, MD, Libera Villagrossi, MD, Alex Patton, MD, Giuseppina Poni, MD, and Enrico Polati, MD.
  7. Virtual Clinic Diagnosis of Fractured Spinal Cord Stimulator Leads in a Patient Lacking Direct Physician Access - A Novel Case Report
    Case Report
    Neha Singh, MD, Loc Lam, DO, and Emanuel Narcis Husu, MD.