Editor-in-Chief: Alaa Abd-Elsayed, MD, PhD
BACKGROUND: Telemedicine incorporates use of technology for delivering health care services and has become an important tool for overcoming geographical barriers. It has the advantage of delivering quality real-time care through interactive audiovisual and digital technologies.
CASE REPORT: A 63-year-old woman from South Asia reached out to pain physicians in the United States with an acute exacerbation of back pain. Patient’s medical history was significant for chronic back pain for which she underwent implantation of a spinal cord stimulator 2 years back and was pain free till now. Upon evaluation, the cause of her increased back pain was found to be fractured leads, which was later managed in the United States.
CONCLUSIONS: Telemedicine can be pivotal in establishing a timely diagnosis, while also being able to transcend the geographical barriers to health care accessibility.
KEY WORDS: Spinal cord stimulators, chronic pain, interventional pain management, telemedicine, case report