Editor-in-Chief: Alaa Abd-Elsayed, MD, PhD
BACKGROUND: Chronic low back pain (LBP) is a widespread disease particularly as the population continues to age. The most common type of chronic LBP is axial LBP caused by disc degeneration leading to vertebrogenic back pain. Recently, the concept of vertebrogenic LBP has become more mainstream as has its treatment, basivertebral nerve ablation (BVNA). Herein, we report a case where BVNA was performed in the setting of existing hardware at the treatment levels.
CASE REPORT: Sixty-eight-year-old woman with chronic LBP status post anterior L5/S1 instrumented fusion presents with persistent chronic LBP centralized to L5/S1. Preoperative imaging demonstrates increased signal on bone scan at L5/S1 and BVNA was performed adjacent to the screws, resulting in significant relief of LBP and without complication.
CONCLUSIONS: BVNA is feasible to perform at levels where existing spine hardware is present.
KEY WORDS: BVNA, basivertebral nerve ablation, radiofrequency ablation, low back pain, chronic low back pain, vertebrogenic low back pain, disc degeneration, fusion hardware, interventional radiology, case report