Editor-in-Chief: Alaa Abd-Elsayed, MD, PhD
BACKGROUND: Neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa (NARP) syndrome is a mitochondrial disorder of the ATPase 6 gene. There is a wide variation of symptoms, but damage to the neuronal structures can result in chronic pain.
CASE REPORT: A 31-year-old woman’s chronic back and lower extremity pain related to NARP syndrome was successfully treated with dorsal column spinal cord stimulation (SCS).
CONCLUSIONS: SCS can be used as a means of pain management in patients with genetic etiologies. This case provides an example of treating symptoms related to genetic defects with simulation improving quality of life.
KEY WORDS: Case report, spinal cord stimulation, neuromodulation, causalgia, NARP syndrome, mitochondrial disease, chronic pain